Active Components and Constitutional Formula
The typical use of flaxseed is as a source of the essential fatty acids linolenic acid (LN) and linoleic acid (LA). Now research has shown that some of the health benefits associated with flaxseed consumption are due to the presence of compounds known as lignans (SDG), which are known to possess various pro- estrogenic properties.

Flax Lignans:20%, 40%, 70% (HPLC)
Certificate of Analysis
Fine Brown-Yellow Powder
Flax lignans (SDG)
20%, HPLC
Loss on Drying
≤5%, 5g / 105℃ / 2hrs
Bulk Density
Partical Size
100% Through 80 Mesh
Extract Solvent
Water & Ethanol
Heavy Metals
< 10ppm, Atomic Absorption
< 2ppm, Atomic Absorption
< 2ppm, Atomic Absorption
Total Plate Count
Yeast and moulds
<100 CFU/G
E-mail us to get quotation and typical certification of analysis
Indications and Usage
Flax is an annual plant that thrives in deep moist soils rich in sand, silt, and clay. The small, oval-shaped seeds of the flax plant contain oil (sometimes called linseed oil).
In addition to the important omega-3 fatty acid ALA, flaxseed (not the oil) also contains a group of chemicals called lignans that may protect the body from cancer. Lignans are plant compounds that mimic the action of the natural hormone estrogen. For this reason, lignans are considered phyto (plant) estrogens. Because of their estrogen-like activity, scientists aren't sure whether flaxseed would be harmful or helpful for breast cancer. Several laboratory studies support the use of flaxseed oil in preventing cancer development.
Research shows flax lignans may offer incredible health benefits for prostate health, bone health, breast health, reducing symptoms of menopause, heart health, hair loss, acne and inflammation. Laboratory studies have reported reduction in breast tumor growth and metastasis (spreading) in rats. A human study has examined the effects of dietary flaxseed in postmenopausal patients with newly diagnosed breast cancer. The authors found that dietary flaxseed may have the potential to reduce tumor growth in patients with breast cancer. Laboratory studies show that lignans may slow the growth of colon tumor cells and some studies have found that flaxseed may significantly reduce the number of abnormal cell growths (early markers of colon cancer). More research is needed. Animal studies suggest that lignans from flaxseed may also offer some protection against skin cancer including, possibly, the prevention of metastatic spread of melanoma from the skin to the lungs.
25kg/drum, double layers plastic bags inside.
Storage Situation
Stored in a cool and dry well-closed container. Keep away from moisture and strong light/heat.